While browsing the cupcake cookbook isle at Chapters (we all do that, right?) I came across this beauty entitled Hello, Cupcake! and I knew that this book and I were a match made in heaven. No human should ever have to go through life without this book. It's filled with foolproof tricks and overzealous projects, and I could just eat it up!
Not the type to shy away from overambitious endeavors, Kim and I set out to make bowling pin cupcakes- complete with a bowling ball- for our grandmother's birthday. They consisted of a big cupcake topped with a mini cupcake topped with a donut hole dipped in icing. A lot of icing. And a lot of sugar.
For a first attempt they weren't so bad, although I'll admit that they were mistaken for snowmen, R2D2 and everything in between.

And when they were done they looked like this!
Kind of impressive, right? Right?
Note: These cupcakes are not vegan, but could easily be so. (We had some technical difficulites with the vegan version- mostly because we tried to use a box mix but they ended up falling apart.) Try this recipe for the cupcakes and this one for the donut holes. The cupcake recipe is the one I use- they're a bit more dense but très très yummy. I've never tried the donuts, but they look promising! Vegan icing is easy to find, and the red stuff is Fruit By the Foot. Enjoy!