Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Groundhog Day: My new favourite holiday.

First of all, most sincere apologies for being such a negligent blogger. I've been baking significantly less cupcakes lately, and blogging even less than that. But I am determined to be more diligent in this new year! So without further ado...

In my post about the snowman cupcakes, I joked that Groundhog Day would be a valid excuse to make cupcakes. I thought nothing of it after I wrote it, and to be honest I only even remembered that I wrote it about 30 seconds ago upon rereading the post.

Well, yesterday was of course Groundhog Day, and I of course found myself making groundhog-themed cupcakes! They were ugly enough to be called "charming" but fun enough to drag me out of my blog funk to share them with you!

I only took pictures of the finished product, which look terrifying and nothing at all like we had planned. So a brief introduction slash instruction...

Make a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting. Scoop a little hole out of the center of the cupcake and keep the scooped-out part aside. Put the frosting on the cupcake. Take your reserved scooped-out cupcake-ness and sprinkle it on top (to look like snow, with a little dirt on it from where the groundhog came up. Get it? ahh, so clever.) Make groundhogs. (haha! don't make them the way we did!) Stick the groundhog in the little hole you dug out. Laugh.

Hints: (which I clearly did not respect)
- use mini m&ms and not the normal-sized ones.
- use the gummy watermelons instead of the peaches for noses.
- they are not supposed to look scary.

I am fully aware that this one looks like a turkey. At least I've got my next Thanksgiving cupcake all planned out.

Are you ready to see what they were supposed to look like?
*hides head in shame*

I found this by google images -ing "groundhog cupcakes"... note the mini m&ms and watermelon noses!

Can't wait for next year! I'm sure these little critters will be a thousand times cuter!